【Upcoming Event】 NASSDA Meeting 2025 / CSRDA International Workshop / Strengthening Data Infrastructure Program Workshop “International Trends in Social Science Data Archive Collaboration”
【Upcoming Event】The SSJDA Seminar [December 23, 2024] “The impact of home study place on children’s learning time: an income inequality perspective″
[SSJDA]Call for Presenters-SSJDA Seminars
[SSJDA]Call for Papers-CSRDA Discussion Paper Series
8th nassda meeting (February 16, 2024)
【Upcoming Event】The SSJDA Seminar [January 16, 2024] “Anticipating Trade-offs: Individual Expectations on Career Development versus Family Formation″
[Postponement]The SSJDA Seminar “Anticipating Trade-offs: Individual Expectations on Career Development versus Family Formation″
【Upcoming Event】The SSJDA Seminar [October 24, 2023] “Anticipating Trade-offs: Individual Expectations on Career Development versus Family Formation″
7th nassda meeting(February 17, 2023)
【Upcoming Event】International Workshop [22 March, 2023] Data management plans and data management costs URL